God is with His Church in Tuscola, Illinois, through Word and Sacrament

Immanuel News & Notes (Easter 06)

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Sunday (5/6)

  • 9:00 am—Divine Service with Holy Communion
  • 10:30 am—Bible Class & Sunday School
  • 11:30 am—Catechism Questioning
  • 6:30 pm—Ladies Bunco Night


  • 10:00 am—Michael Ekstrom Visitation
  • 11:00 am—Michael Ekstrom Funeral
  • 12:00 pm—Funeral Dinner


  • 7:30 am—Matins


  • 9:00 am—Circuit Pastors’ Meeting (St. John, Mattoon)


  • 10:00 am—Looking Forward to Sunday Bible Study
  • 11:30 am—TAMA
  • 7:00 pm—Bible History Bible Study


  • 7:00 pm—Ascension Day Divine Service


  • 3:30 pm—Individual Confession & Absolution
  • 5:30 pm—Divine Service with Holy Communion

Sunday (5/13)

  • 9:00 am—Divine Service with Holy Communion
  • 10:30 am—Bible Class & Sunday School


HEALTH CONCERNS: Mia Anderson (great-granddaughter of Joan Vukelich); Bernita Ashwill; Mark Ashwill; Robert Bowles (father of Ryan Bowles); Dale Brown (friend of Margaret Stilwell); Connie Hilgendorf Bruns (cousin of Mary Appleby); Owen Clark (friend of Mark & Leigh Ann Whitson); Jeff & Jo Coon (friends of the Holzrichters); Judy Cox (daughter of Ruth Sims); Ellie Crawford (daughter of Laran Crawford); Susan Hall (friend of Arleigh & Mary Jane Jones); Jim Harbaugh; Rick Hardesty (family of the Hoels); Kim Hausman (friend of Ann Carroll); Barbara Holste (friend of Arleigh & Mary Jane Jones); Marylin Joergens; Pat Maree; Jim McIntosh (cousin of Jerry Alexander); Delvin Meyr (father of Willa’s godmother); Rev. Ted Mitchell (pastor of Tuscola United Methodist Church); Bill & Mary Negangard (grandparents of Bryce Reifsteck); Janet Pollock; Debbie Rahn (wife of Leroy Rahn); Ocil Slone (father of Carolyn Dyer); Carl Smith (husband of Lynnette Ashwill-Smith); Irene Wattjes; Jim Wheeler (brother-in-law of Greg Campbell); Lynn Whitson (father of Mark Whitson); Jill Zartler.

DEATH: The family and friends of Mike Ekstrom.



MISSIONARIES: Rev. Dr. Edward and Monica Naumann; Rev. Alan and Patricia Ludwig; Julie Lutz.

HOMEBOUND: Bernita Ashwill; Bessie Benson; Dolores Byers; Marylin Joergens; Lenore Nau; Janet Pollock; Art Rahn; Ruth Rentschler.

MILITARY: John Bookas; Carl Crawford; Jeremy Gordon; Jack Leonard; Jake Lindgren; Raymond Longtin; Joey Pollock; Chase Reifsteck; Blake Stokes; Paige Stokes; Ruben Wilson.


NEXT WEEK’S READINGS . . . Ezekiel 36:22–28; 1 Peter 4:7–11; John 15:26–16:4.

ABOUT THIS WEEK’S READINGS . . . “Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask of the Father in my name, he will give it to you” (John 16:23). To pray in Jesus’ name is to pray as one who has been baptized. For it is in the water that He put His name upon you, claiming you as His own, making you a son of God with access to the Father. By His incarnation and crucifixion, our Lord Jesus broke through the barrier of sin which separated us from God, opening a portal to the Father. To pray in Jesus’ name is to pray with faith in Him as the one Mediator between God and men, who gave Himself a ransom for all (1 Tim. 2:1–6). Like Moses in the wilderness, Jesus is our go-between and intercessor before the throne of heaven. He was lifted up for us on the cross that we might be saved and restored to fellowship with the Father (Num. 21:1¬9). Looking into this perfect teaching of liberty (James 1:22–27) we pray with boldness and confidence as dear children of God.

THOUGHTS ABOUT STEWARDSHIP . . . James 1:22—“But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” The Word of God is not merely to be heard, but to be received and believed. Our faith is implanted and strengthened by the Word of God. And as Luther said, “Oh, it is a living, busy, active, mighty thing, this faith. And so it is impossible for it not to do good works incessantly.” James reminds us of this—and encourages us to examine our lives and come to repentance where we can see that we are not living out our faith in sincerity.

THE ALTAR FLOWERS . . . are given by Tim & Teri Pollock to the glory of God on the occasion of their anniversary.

CONFIRMATION QUESTIONING IS TODAY. . . Sunday, May 6, at 11:30 AM. Four confirmands will be examined, and everyone from the congregation is welcome to attend. Confirmation will be Sunday, May 20, during the Divine Service.

CENTRAL ILLINOIS DISTRICT SCHOLARSHIP SUNDAY IS TODAY, MAY 6 . . . The cost of education at one of our synodical colleges is about $37,000 per year, and about $40,000 at one of our seminaries. Annual unmet needs after grants, loans, scholarships, parents’ contributions, etc., average about $15,000 for undergraduates and about $35,000 for seminarians. Please include these needs in your prayers and make a generous gift to support the unmet needs of our 30 CID students as they prepare to serve the Lord in full-time ministries. Envelopes designated for CID Scholarship Sunday have been placed in member mailboxes, and additional envelopes can be found on the table in the Narthex. Thank you.

IMMANUEL JUNIOR CHOIR . . . will be singing next Sunday, May 13 (Mother’s Day).

MARK YOUR CALENDARS . . . Joshua Schiff, our adopted seminary student, and his family will be visiting Immanuel May 26–27. Joshua will be preaching that Sunday during the Divine Service. We’ll hear more about his studies and life at the seminary during Bible Class at 10:30, then a potluck will be held at 12:00 so we have an opportunity to talk more with Joshua and his family.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS . . . Immanuel’s Vacation Bible School is set for Monday, June 11–Friday, June 15, 9:00 AM–11:00 AM.

IMMANUEL SERVICES TO THE HOMEBOUND . . . Immanuel’s Board of Missions and Evangelism is reaching out to our homebound by providing recordings of our Sunday Divine Service. Each week the service will be recorded, transferred to CDs, then distributed to our homebound members. The Board is seeking volunteers to deliver the CDs. These recordings bring our services to their doors, and delivering them offers wonderful opportunities for fellowship among our members. CDs will be ready for delivery each Tuesday beginning May 8. A sign-up sheet can be found on the table in the Narthex for those interested in being part of this outreach.

PEORIA BACH FESTIVAL . . . will be held June 1–10, 2018. Information about this year’s festival can be found on Immanuel’s bulletin board, as well as calling (309) 676-4609 or visiting www.peoriabachfestival.org.

WE’RE LOOKING FOR TEACHERS . . . Lutheran Special Education Ministries is seeking a teacher to fill a part-time position at Concordia Lutheran School, Peoria, Illinois. Candidates should have Special Education Certification, or be actively working toward the certification. We will also consider candidates who have special education experience and those with Elementary Certification who have a desire to work with students who have learning needs. If you are interested, please call Lutheran Special Education Ministries at 248-419-3390, or Rich Schumacher at 734-748-5253 for more information and to obtain an application.

GOD SHOWS NO PARTIALITY (ACTS 10:34B) . . . His people once misinterpreted His Word and treated Gentiles as less treasured than Jews. Jesus declared and demonstrated that humanity doesn’t come in degrees—there’s no “more human” or “less human.” Everyone who has any “human” at all is infinitely beloved and belongs to the Lord. If He welcomes the wicked with forgiveness, He also welcomes the weak with friendship, and by His Spirit He can make saints of all (10:47). Son of God, cause us to overcome the world and obey Your commandments. Amen.



  • Corky & Theresa Fields (West)
  • Jim & Carolyn Dyer (East)


  • Joan Vukelich (West)
  • Laverl Byers (East)



  • Greg Nau
  • Janice Arthur; Lexie Russo


  • Greg Nau
  • Ruth Bretz; Cassie Russo



  • Ethan Stumeier (Crucifer)
  • Josh Dyer (Torches)
  • Oliver Braaten (Torches)
  • Jonathan Braaten (Gospel)


  • Caleb Stumeier (Crucifer)
  • Ethan Stumeier (Torches)
  • Josh Dyer (Torches)
  • Jake Dyer (Gospel)


  • Ann Carroll & Ruth Sims—May
  • Pastor & Lauren Braaten—June


  • Janet Stumeier—May
  • Dolores Ford—June


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