God is with His Church in Tuscola, Illinois, through Word and Sacrament

Individual Confession & Absolution

INDIVIDUAL CONFESSION & ABSOLUTION . . . is now offered weekly on Saturdays, 3:30–4:30 pm, when pastor is in town. As Luther wrote in the Large Catechism, “If there is a heart that feels its sin and desires consolation, it has here a sure refuge when it hears in God’s Word that through a man God looses and absolves him from his sins” (Large Catechism, Brief Exhortation, 14). Some members have expressed a desire to make use of this precious gift but do not want to burden pastor’s schedule with a separate meeting in the evenings. Since pastor is in the office on Saturday afternoons, he is setting aside one hour each Saturday afternoon for those to come and receive this wonderful gift. He will be in the sanctuary during that hour. The doors to the sanctuary will be closed. If someone is already with pastor, simply wait in the hallway until that person is finished. If you desire individual confession and absolution on another day, you may still make an appointment with him at your convenience. None of these meetings will be recorded on pastor’s visitation report.


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