God is with His Church in Tuscola, Illinois, through Word and Sacrament

Immanuel News & Notes (Trinity 27)

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Sunday (11/20)

  • 9:00 am—Divine Service with Holy Communion
  • 10:30 am—Bible Class & Sunday School


  • 7:30 am—Matins


  • 9:00 am—Classical Conversations Home School Coop


  • 10:00 am—Looking Forward to Sunday Bible Study
  • 7:00 pm—Thanksgiving Eve Divine Service

Thursday—Offices Closed for Thanksgiving Day


  • 3:30 pm—Individual Confession & Absolution
  • 5:30 pm—Divine Service with Holy Communion

Sunday (11/27)

  • 9:00 am—Divine Service with Holy Communion
  • 10:30 am—Bible Class & Sunday School
  • 7:00 pm—Youth Group Event


HEALTH CONCERNS: Mia Anderson (great-granddaughter of Joan Vukelich); Jimmee Barger (friend of the Alexanders); Brenda Bunting (friend of Ann Carroll); Ellie Crawford (daughter of Laran Crawford); Leona Czerwonka; Howard Eskridge (friend of the Stumeiers & Alexanders); Janice Funk (mother of Mike Ekstrom); Paula Hancock; Jim Harbaugh; Kim Hausman (friend of Ann Carroll); Patti Heath (friend of the Hoels); Joel Hilgendorf; Trena Knauss (sister of Tresa Pollock); Scott McCumber (friend of the Russos); Laurie McMillen; Ken Moen (friend of the Vukeliches); Bill Negangard (grandfather of Bryce Reifsteck); Joan Rahn; Ellen Shawgo (niece of Ruth Rentschler); Roland Spomer; Sara Urban (wife of Ron Urban).

DEATH: Family and friends of Dennis Lee (nephew of Dolores Ford).



MISSIONARIES: Rev. Dr. Edward and Monica Naumann; Rev. Alan and Patricia Ludwig; Julie Lutz.

HOMEBOUND: Bernita Ashwill; Bessie Benson; Dolores Byers; Marylin Joergens; Joan Mulligan; Janet Pollock; Art Rahn; Ruth Rentschler.

MILITARY: John Bookas; Carl Crawford; Jeremy Gordon; Jack Leonard; Jake Lindgren; Raymond Longtin; Joey Pollock; Chase Reifsteck; Blake Stokes; Paige Stokes; Ruben Wilson.


NEXT WEEK’S READINGS . . . Jeremiah 23:5–8; Romans 13:11–14; Matthew 21:1–9.

ABOUT THIS WEEK’S READINGS . . . “The day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night” (1 Thess. 5:1–11). The arrival of the bridegroom will be sudden and unexpected. Therefore you are to be watchful and ready like the five wise virgins. “For you know neither the day nor the hour” when the Son of Man is to return. (Matt. 25:1–13). The lamps are the Word of Christ. The oil in the lamps is the Holy Spirit, who works through the Word to create and sustain the flame of faith in Christ. The foolish are those who do not give proper attention to the working of the Holy Spirit in baptism, preaching, and the supper, and so their faith does not endure. The wise, however, are those who diligently attend to these gifts of the Spirit, and who therefore have an abundance of oil. The flame of faith endures to the end. By God’s grace they are received into the eternal wedding feast of the Lamb in His kingdom, the new heavens and the new earth created by the Lord for the joy of His people (Is. 65:17–25).

THOUGHTS ABOUT STEWARDSHIP . . . Matthew 25:4 “ . . . but the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps.” Why did they take flasks of oil with them? Because they listened to the Bridegroom’s words and believed them. Our actions always start with and flow from our beliefs. What do your actions in the realm of stewardship say about what you believe?

ALTAR FLOWERS . . . are given by Roger & Wanda Long to the glory of God on the occasion of their wedding anniversary.

THANK YOU . . . to Immanuel for your care and concern during the illness and passing of my dad. Whether it was through prayers, cards, flowers, food, attending the services, or offering kind words, we are deeply thankful. Jaimee & Josh Whitson & our family.

THE 2017 FLOWER CHART IS NOW AVAILABLE . . . Please sign up on the bulletin board across from member mailboxes. 2017 flowers are $34.00 and can be special ordered. Flowers can be taken home after the Sunday’s service.

BI-MONTHLY MISSION . . . is Sunday, December 4. All loose cash in the offering will go to the Angel Tree. You also received an envelope for the Angel Tree Bi-Monthly Mission in your church mailbox. You can place cash or check payable to Immanuel in this envelope and place it in the offering on December 4 or return it to the church office on or before December 4. Reach deep to help area children receive a few gifts under the Christmas Tree from our Church.

BIBLE HISTORY CLASS . . . Because of Advent services, there will be no Wednesday evening Bible History class November 23 through December 28. Bible History class will resume on Wednesday, January 4, 2017.

PHONE NUMBER CHANGE . . . for Darrell and Dolores Ford. The number listed in Immanuel’s directory is no longer in service. Contact numbers are (217) 621-4329 (Darrell’s cell) and (217) 552-2921 (Dolores’ cell).

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR PARADE AND LIVE NATIVITY . . . Please see the sign-up sheets in the back of the church. We need volunteers for decorating the Christmastown float and walking in the parade on Saturday, December 3. Volunteers for the live nativity on Sunday, December 4, are needed for portraying the holy family, shepherds, and magi. Everyone is invited to join in singing carols as cars drive through – the more carolers, the merrier! Snacks and drinks for the volunteers are always welcome, too!

SALVATION ARMY BELL RINGERS NEEDED . . . to represent Immanuel on Saturday, December 3, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. Bell ringers will be inside of Shopko in Tuscola. Ideally, we could have enough volunteers to allow for reasonable time commitments. Please consider volunteering for the annual Red-Kettle campaign and furthering Salvation Army’s mission of meeting human needs around the world.

CAMP CILCA . . . will hold a Fall Clean-Up Day on Saturday, December 10 from 9am-Noon.  We will be raking leaves away from the cabins and putting picnic tables and benches into storage for the winter.  Lunch will be provided for all volunteers.  Thank you in advance for your willingness to help!


  • Wednesday, November 23, 7:00 pm—Thanksgiving Eve Service
  • Wednesday, November 30, 7:00 pm—Advent Midweek Service
  • Saturday, December 3, 11:00 am—Christmas Town Parade
  • Sunday, December 4, 10:30 am—Sunday School stays until noon
  • Sunday, December 4, 4:30 pm—Live Nativity
  • Wednesday, December 7, 7:00 pm—Advent Midweek Service
  • Sunday, December 11, 10:15 am—LWML Cookie Walk
  • Sunday, December 11, 10:30 am—Sunday School stays until noon
  • Sunday, December 11, 6:00 pm—Sunday School Christmas Service
  • Thursday, December 15, 1:30 pm—Ladies Aid
  • Monday, December 19, 7:30 pm—Voter’s Budget Meeting
  • Wednesday, December 21, 7:00 pm—Advent Midweek Service
  • *Saturday, December 24, 7:00 pm—Christmas Eve Service
  • Sunday, December 25, 9:00 am—Christmas Day Service
  • *Saturday, December 31, 7:00 pm—New Year’s Eve Service

* 7:00 pm services on these Saturdays replace the 5:30 pm service



  • Craig & Carol Munson (West)
  • Jim & Carolyn Dyer (East)


  • Joan Vukelich (West)
  • Laverl Byers (East)



  • Bryce Reifsteck
  • Janet Stumeier; Cassie Russo


  • Bryce Reifsteck
  • Janet Stumeier; Mackenzi Bowles



  • Ethan Stumeier (Crucifer)
  • Caleb Stumeier (Torches)
  • Coulson Poffenberger (Torches)
  • Oliver Braaten (Gospel)


  • Caleb Stumeier (Crucifer)
  • Ethan Stumeier (Torches)
  • Josh Dyer (Torches)
  • Oliver Braaten (Gospel)


  • Greg & Celeste Nau—November
  • Laverl Byers—December


  • Joyce Alexander—November
  • Scott Dallas & Sharon Allen—December


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