Sunday (10/11)
- 9:00 am—Divine Service with Holy Communion
- 10:30 am—Bible Class & Sunday School
- 11:15 am—Church Council Meeting
- 11:30 am—Catechism Class
- 2:30 pm—Ladies Bunco Night
Monday–Wednesday—No Matins
- 9:00 am—CC Home School Coop
- 7:30 am—Matins
- 5:30 pm—Divine Service with Holy Communion
Sunday (10/18)
- 9:00 am—Divine Service with Holy Communion
- 10:30 am—Bible Class & Sunday School
- 11:30 am—Catechism Class
HEALTH CONCERNS: Mia Anderson (great-granddaughter of Joan Vukelich); Brenda Bunting (friend of Ann Carroll); Ellie Crawford (daughter of Laran Crawford); Steve Cuppy (brother-in-law of Roland Spomer); Don Czerwonka; Virginia Goble (friend of Joyce Alexander); Jim Harbaugh; Joel Hilgendorf; Marvin Kingery (father of Miranda Czerwonka); Nancy Kingery (niece of Dolores Ford); Erica Kremitzki; Dennis Lee (nephew of Dolores Ford); Scott McCumber (friend of the Russos) Laurie McMillen; Mike Merna (friend of Joan Vukelich); Tiffany Meyer (friend of Rachel DeWitt); Sandra Oehmke (sister of Joan Vukelich); Rev. Lynn Podoll; Fred Rahn (son of Joan Rahn); Roland Spomer; Madison VanSickle (daughter of Shawn Watkins); Bob Vukelich (husband of Joan Vukelich); Harold Wattjes; Troy Wolte (son-in-law of Roland Spomer).
HOMEBOUND: Bernita Ashwill; Bessie Benson; Dolores Byers; Joan Mulligan; Corinne Oye; Janet Pollock; Art Rahn; Ruth Rentschler.
MILITARY: John Bookas; Jeremy Gordon; Jack Leonard; Sam Leonard; Jake Lindgren; Raymond Longtin; Joey Pollock; Chase Reifsteck; Blake Stokes; Paige Stokes; Ruben Wilson.
NEXT WEEK’S READINGS . . . Isaiah 55:1–9; Ephesians 5:15–21; Matthew 22:1–14.
ABOUT THIS WEEK’S READINGS . . . The Lord does not require us to ascend to Him; in mercy He descends to us (Gen 28:10–17). The ladder in Jacob’s dream was not for climbing; it was the means by which the Lord came to bless Jacob. This event finds its fulfillment in Christ who descended from His throne to save and bless us. By His incarnation He is the eternal bridge between heaven and earth. “The Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins” (Matt 9:1–8). The Lord was present in the flesh to absolve the paralytic. Jesus also healed and restored this man’s body. “For where there is forgiveness of sins, there is also life and salvation” (Small Catechism). The Lord still has power on earth to forgive sins. In holy absolution He raises up the new man (Eph 4:22–28) and bestows the healing medicine which will bring about our resurrection on the Last Day. Thus we say with Jacob, “This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven!” (Gen 28:17).
THOUGHTS ABOUT STEWARDSHIP . . . Ephesians 4:24 “Put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.” The battle between the old self in Adam and the new self in Christ is fought in the heart and mind of every Christian. Paul encourages us to put on the new man which is created in the image of God. Our sanctification, our growth in godliness, is a growth into God’s image. So we do this by keeping our eyes on Christ and imitating Him in everything: in love, in kindness, in self-giving generosity.
ALTAR FLOWERS . . . are given by Glen & Janet Stumeier to the glory of God in thanksgiving for blessings received.
PASTOR WILL BE AWAY . . . at the Central Illinois District Fall Pastors’ Conference in Bloomington, Illinois, this week, Monday, October 12–Wednesday, October 14. There will be no Matins on those days. If you have an emergency, please call him on his mobile phone or notify one of the Elders.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS . . . because the first week of December, Life Touch photographers will be at Immanuel to take family pictures for an updated church directory. Life Touch is offering a 20% discount on prints ordered in December. More information is forthcoming.
THERE ARE STILL . . . openings to put flowers on the Altar. Please sign up on the bulletin board in the hallway by the sanctuary or call the church office. Flowers are $30.00 and can be special ordered. Flowers can be taken home after the Sunday’s service.
VOTERS’ ASSEMBLY MEETING . . . is scheduled for Monday, October 19, 7:30 pm, in the Fellowship Hall.
WE’RE HAVING A PARTY! . . . A Reformation Party, that is, and if you dare to be Lutheran, you’ll plan to be there on Friday, October 30, 5:30 pm–7:30 pm, in the Fellowship Hall. Hosted by the Board of Education, this night of fun includes games for kids, delicious German food, pictures from Luther sites during Pastor’s travels, hymn singing, and an overview of the Reformation. You don’t want to miss this. There will be a free-will offering to help the Sunday School purchase supplies. No indulgences necessary.
- Tim & Teri Pollock (West)
- Donna Campbell (East)
- Harold Wattjes (West)
- Jim Dyer (East)
- Bryce Reifsteck
- Donna Campbell; Marissa Russo
- Bryce Reifsteck
- Donna Campbell; Lexie Russo
- Ethan Stumeier (Crucifer)
- Caleb Stumeier (Torches)
- Jake Dyer (Torches)
- Oliver Braaten (Gospel)
- Caleb Stumeier (Crucifer)
- Ethan Stumeier (Torches)
- Coulson Poffenberger (Torches)
- Oliver Braaten (Gospel)
- Ruth Sims—October
- Craig & Carol Munson—November