God is with His Church in Tuscola, Illinois, through Word and Sacrament

Immanuel News & Notes (Trinity 12)

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Sunday (8/19)

  • 9:00 am—Divine Service with Holy Communion
  • 10:30 am—Bible Class
  • 11:30 am—Parent-Pastor Confirmation Meeting
  • 7:00 pm—Men’s Bible Study


  • 7:30 am—Matins


  • 7:00 pm—Bible History Bible Study


  • 9:00 am—Sunday School Teachers Lesson Planning
  • 3:30 pm—Individual Confession & Absolution
  • 5:30 pm—Divine Service with Holy Communion

Sunday (8/26)

  • 9:00 am—Divine Service with Holy Communion
  • 10:30 am—Bible Class
  • 7:00 pm—Youth Group


HEALTH CONCERNS: Mia Anderson (great-granddaughter of Joan Vukelich); Bernita Ashwill; Dale Brown (friend of Margaret Stilwell); Connie Hilgendorf Bruns (cousin of Mary Appleby); Owen Clark (friend of Mark & Leigh Ann Whitson); Jeff & Jo Coon (friends of the Holzrichters); Judy Cox (daughter of Ruth Sims); Ellie Crawford (daughter of Laran Crawford); Florence Davis (aunt of Mark Whitson); Theresa Fields; Jim Harbaugh; Rick Hardesty (family of the Hoels); Kim Hausman (friend of Ann Carroll); Barbara Holste (friend of Arleigh & Mary Jane Jones); Katie Jackson (sister of Sara Burgener); Marylin Joergens; Pat Maree; Melinda Marmion (daughter of Becky Kappes); Jim McIntosh (cousin of Jerry Alexander); Kimberly Meyer (daughter of Pastor Doug Meyer); Delvin Meyr (father of Willa’s godmother); Rev. Ted Mitchell (friend of Pastor Braaten); Bill & Mary Negangard (grandparents of Bryce Reifsteck); Janet Pollock; Art Rahn: Debbie Rahn (wife of Leroy Rahn); Ocil Slone (father of Carolyn Dyer); Carl Smith (husband of Lynnette Ashwill-Smith); Greg Wamsley (best friend of Dave Slaughter).



MISSIONARIES: Rev. Dr. Edward and Monica Naumann; Rev. Alan and Patricia Ludwig; Julie Lutz.

HOMEBOUND: Bernita Ashwill; Bessie Benson; Dolores Byers; Marylin Joergens; Janet Pollock; Art Rahn; Ruth Rentschler.

MILITARY: Carl Crawford; Jeremy Gordon; Jack Leonard; Jake Lindgren; Raymond Longtin; Joey Pollock; Chase Reifsteck; Blake Stokes; Paige Stokes; Ruben Wilson.


NEXT WEEK’S READINGS . . .2 Chron 28:8–15; Galatians 3:15–22; Luke 10:23–37.

ABOUT THIS WEEK’S READINGS . . . A man who was deaf and therefore also had an impediment in his speech was brought to Jesus (Mark 7:31–37). In the same way, all are by nature deaf toward God and therefore also unable to confess the faith rightly. For “faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” (Rom. 10:9–17). Jesus put His fingers into the man’s ears, and He spat and touched His tongue. Even so in Holy Baptism, water sanctified by the words of Jesus’ mouth is applied to us; and the finger of God, that is, the life–giving Holy Spirit (2 Cor. 3:4–11) is put into our ears in the hearing of the baptismal Gospel. Jesus’ sighing “Ephphatha” opened the man’s ears, and his tongue was loosed to speak plainly as Isaiah prophesied of the Messiah, “In that day the deaf shall hear the words of a book” (Is. 29:18–24). So also, He who sighed and breathed His last on the cross for us has given us to hear and believe in Him and has opened our lips that our mouths may declare His praise.

THOUGHTS ABOUT STEWARDSHIP . . . 2 Corinthians 3:5 “Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God.” We are not sufficient, not enough, not capable in and of ourselves. But God gives us what is enough, what is sufficient, and makes us capable. That is the beginning of wisdom: we are utterly dependent on God’s mercy. Our whole Christian life flows forth from this dependence.

THE ALTAR FLOWERS . . . are given by Glen & Janet Stumeier to the glory of God in thanksgiving for blessings received.

PARENT-PASTOR CATECHISM MEETING . . . today, Sunday, August 19, 11:30 am, in the Fellowship Hall to discuss what we will learn during the year, what is expected of the student, and what your responsibilities as a parent of a catechism student are. Catechism Classes will begin on Sunday, September 9, 12:30 pm–2:00 pm, at church for all students prepared to begin.

SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS LESSON PLANNING . . . The first Sunday School Teachers Lesson Planning for the 2018–2019 school year will be Saturday, August 25, 9:00 am. Thank you to all who volunteer to teach our children!

SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY DAY . . . is Sunday, September 9, 10:30 am. Come and join in the celebration and register your child(ren) for the 2018–2019 Sunday School year.

THANK YOU . . . to those spending time on Saturday preparing freezer meals for members in our congregation. It is a great blessing to be able to offer a homemade meal to someone when cooking may not be possible.

LADIES OF IMMANUEL . . . you are invited to a baby shower for Bethany Campbell on Saturday, September 22, at 10:00 am here at the church hosted by Marissa Manor. Bethany is registered on Amazon. Regrets only to Marissa at mmanor17@gmail.com or 309-310-5915.

CAMP CILCA’S CHICKEN FRY AND AUCTION . . . are only a few weeks away. Camp out for a Labor Day weekend of swimming, games, campfires, devotions, and fried chicken! Tent and RV spaces are available, as well as cabins and Christian Growth Center rooms. A worship service will be held on Sunday at 10:30 am. Dinner will be served Sunday, September 2, from 11:30–2:30. The live auction will begin at 1:00 pm. Check out auction items at www.cilca.org/auction-items.

WHIPPOORWILL CHALLENGE GOLF OUTING . . . is Friday, September 28, 2018, at Hickory Point, Forsyth, Illinois. You can form a foursome or go and be added to a team. Check-in is at 11:30 am; Shotgun starts at 1:00 pm. Registration is $60 per person which covers your golf, cart, meal, and prizes. See the flyer on Immanuel’s bulletin boards for additional information. Let Pastor Braaten or Leigh Ann Whitson know if you are interested.

LLL RETREAT—CAMP CILCA . . . September 8, 2018, sponsored by CID LLL. Dr. Joel Biermann, professor at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis will share on the topic of “What Lutherans really believe about the Two Kingdoms.” Many have not explored what Luther himself taught about these realms. The day will begin with registration at 8:30 am and conclude around 3:00 pm.  The cost is $10 per person which includes the noon meal. Please contact Deloris Blessman by September 2 at 24204 ECR 1850N, Topeka, IL 61567, or at delorisblessman@yahoo.com in order to register.

WOMEN’S RETREAT . . . The public is invited to attend the one-day women’s retreat being held at Our Savior’s, Springfield, on Saturday, September 29. The cost is $35.00 per person, and registration is due by September 14. Brochures containing registration forms can be printed from the Our Savior’s website: www.oursaviors‑church.org or can be picked up here at Immanuel on the table across from the mailboxes. Completed forms can be mailed to Our Savior’s. Don’t forget to bring a friend!

THIS WEEK ON KFUO.ORG . . . hear from missionary teacher in Taiwan Hannah Shull (8/20) and details about Concordia Seminary’s Opening Service (8/22) on The Coffee Hour (weekdays at 9:00 am CT), study 1 Corinthians with Rev. Jonathan Fisk and guest pastors on Sharper Iron (weekdays at 8:00 am CT), and dig into a curious topic on God’s ordering of the world with Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller and his guest pastor on Cross Defense (8/20 at 2:00 pm CT). Find these programs on demand at kfuo.org or wherever you get your podcasts!



  • Joan Vukelich (West)
  • Laverl Byers (East)


  • Dave & Michelle Stumeier (West)
  • Tim Hoel (East)



  • Jack Appleby
  • Donna Campbell; Marissa Russo


  • Jack Appleby
  • Celeste Nau; Lexie Russo



  • Oliver Braaten (Crucifer)
  • Jake Dyer (Torches)
  • Caiden Russo (Torches)
  • Jonathan Braaten (Gospel)


  • Jake Dyer (Crucifer)
  • Isaak Burgener (Torches)
  • Jonathan Braaten (Torches)
  • Caiden Russo (Gospel)


  • Greg & Celeste Nau—August
  • Erin Pangburn—September


  • Tammy Kresin—August
  • Joy Stenger—September


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