God is with His Church in Tuscola, Illinois, through Word and Sacrament

Immanuel News & Notes (Trinity 10)

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Sunday (8/21)

  • 9:00 am—Divine Service with Holy Communion
  • 10:30 am—Bible Class
  • 11:30 am—Parent-Pastor Catechism Meeting


  • 3:30 pm—Individual Confession & Absolution
  • 5:30 pm—Divine Service with Holy Communion

Sunday (8/28)

  • 9:00 am—Divine Service with Holy Communion
  • 10:30 am—Parent Sunday School Meeting
  • 6:00 pm—Youth Group Event


HEALTH CONCERNS: Bernita Ashwill; Jerry & Amanda Bergman (nephew of Irene Wattjes); Connie Bruns (cousin of Mary Appleby); Lynn Corrie (friend of Arleigh Jones); Ellie Crawford (daughter of Laran Crawford); Lisa Hall (sister of Holly Wikoff); Rick Hardesty (family of the Hoels); Kim Hausman (friend of Ann Carroll); Deanna Henningsen (sister-in-law of Jerry & Joyce Alexander); Reuben Hostetler; Becky Kappes; Glenda Klim (sister-in-law of Irence Wattjes); Barb McElroy (friend of Sue Rothe); Kurt McDaniel (friend of Joan Vukelich); Joan Rahn; Emma Silver; Ocil Slone (grandfather of Josh & Jake Dyer); Carolyn Stremming (sister-in-law of Arleigh Jones); Dylan Taylor (friend of Becky Kappes), Doris Threet (sister of Wanda Long); Irene Wattjes; Darrell Wattjes (son of Irene Wattjes); Lynn & Jane Whitson (parents of Mark Whitson); Brett Willoughby (friend of Matthew Waldrop).

SEMINARY STUDENT: Gunnar Campbell, Preus Hasselbrook


MISSIONARIES: The Jastram Family; The McDermott Family, Julie Lutz

HOMEBOUND: Bernita Ashwill; Leona Czerwonka; Janet Pollock; Ruth Sims; Glen Stumeier; Irene Wattjes.

MILITARY: Carl Crawford; Josh Dyer; Jeremy Gordon; Jack Leonard; Jake Lindgren; Raymond Longtin; Joey Pollock; Blake Stokes; Scott Walter.


NEXT WEEK’S READINGS . . . Genesis 4:1–15; 1 Cor 15:1–10; Luke 18:9–14.

ABOUT THIS WEEK’S READINGS . . . Our Lord wept over Jerusalem for the destruction that would soon come upon her. For she did not recognize the time of God’s visitation in Christ, who had come to bring her peace (Luke 19:41–48). Through His prophets God had consistently called His people to turn from their deceit and false worship. “But My people do not know the judgments of the Lord” (Jer. 8:4–12). They sought to establish their own righteousness rather than receive Christ’s righteousness through faith (Rom. 9:30–10:4). So it was that God was in His temple to cleanse it, a precursor to the once-for-all cleansing from sin which He would accomplish in the temple of His own body on the cross. God grant us to know the things that make for our peace—His visitation in the Word and Sacraments—that by the Holy Spirit we may penitently confess “Jesus is Lord” (1 Cor. 12:1–11).

THOUGHTS ABOUT STEWARDSHIP . . . Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.” Here is the key to faithful stewardship—and a faithful life in general! God’s Law is not given to us to hamper our fun, but to show us God’s own wisdom. All things being equal, won’t a life lived in accordance with God’s Word be more fulfilling and satisfying than a life lived at odds with God’s Word? Doesn’t He know better than we?

THE ALTAR FLOWERS . . . are given by Matthew and Terra Waldrop to the glory of God on the occasion of their anniversary.

PARENT-PASTOR CATECHISM MEETING . . . Sunday, August 21, 11:30 am, in the Fellowship Hall to discuss what we will learn during the year, what is expected of the student, and what your responsibilities as a parent of a catechism student are.

PARENT MEETING FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL . . . will be on Sunday, August 28, following the Divine Service during the Bible Class hour. This is a time to register your child for Sunday School, hear about what will be studied and how you can aid their learning, and get other helpful information.

FIRST DAY OF SUNDAY SCHOOL . . . is Sunday, September 11. The opening begins at 10:20 am in the Sanctuary. Music will be in the choir loft. And then classes in the Sunday School classrooms.

CID GOLF FUNDRAISER . . . the Lutheran Legacy Foundation is hosting a golf scramble at Hickory Point in Forsyth, Illinois, on Friday, September 23. The fee is $65.00 with any further donations going directly to Camp CILCA and CILCA Endowment Fund. You may email your registration to: revdms@gmail.com.

HELP-A-CHILD FUND . . . The jug to collect milk money for Northward will be set out since school is about to start. The Board of Mission and Evangelism has been in contact with the school about where the funds are needed most. So, the funds collected in the milk money jug will go toward the “Help-A-Child Fund” this year. Thank you for your ongoing support.

WHY? . . . Why do the Readings always include Epistle and Gospel, in that order? As it was with the sacred Scriptures in Israel’s day, so today there are two parts to the Scriptures of the New Testament. Then, there were Moses and the Prophets. Now, there are the Gospels and the Epistles. And yet, as the books of Moses (the first five books of the Bible, called the Pentateuch) were the foundation upon which the Prophets were laid, so also, the Gospels are the foundation upon which the Epistles are laid. This is the reason the Gospels appear first in the New Testament, and it is also the reason the Gospel Reading is given last. In order of placement in the New Testament, the Gospels are given the most prominent position, that is, first, and in order of public reading they are also given the most prominent position, which in the case of oral utterance is last. Moreover, it is also fitting that an Old Testament Reading regularly accompany these two Readings to show that the New Testament arises out of the Old Testament, and that all the sacred Scriptures are a unity.

SERVICES ONLINE . . . This video option will continue to be made available until our usual service times resume. You can access these online services in three places:

  1. On Immanuel’s Facebook page
  2. On Immanuel’s Website under the Sermons tab
  3. On Immanuel’s YouTube channel




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