God is with His Church in Tuscola, Illinois, through Word and Sacrament

Immanuel News & Notes (Septuagesima)


Sunday (2/5)

  • 9:00 am—Divine Service with Holy Communion
  • 10:30 am—Bible Class


  • 7:00 pm—Bible History Class


  • 3:30 pm—Individual Confession & Absolution
  • 5:30 pm—Divine Service with Holy Communion

Sunday (2/12)

  • 9:00 am—Divine Service with Holy Communion
  • 10:30 am—Bible Class & Sunday School


HEALTH CONCERNS: Bernita Ashwill; Connie Bruns (cousin of Mary Appleby); Jack Bubb (classmate of Sofia Reifsteck); Brad  Butler (friend of the Hilgendorf’s); Connie Coats; Lynn Corrie (friend of Arleigh Jones); Nash Foreman (friend of Sofie Reifsteck); Lisa Hall (sister of Holly Wikoff); Rick Hardesty (family of the Hoels); Kim Hausman (friend of Ann Carroll); Adriane & Baby Heins (sister of Lauren Braaten); Deanna Henningsen (sister-in-law of Jerry & Joyce Alexander); Glenda Klim (sister-in-law of Irene Wattjes); John Lamkin (friend of Dave Slaughter); Clara Ruth McCumber (cousin of Tim Hoel): Kurt McDaniel (friend of Joan Vukelich); Joan Rahn; Emma Silver; Carolyn Stremming (sister-in-law of Arleigh Jones); Doris Threet (sister of Wanda Long); Irene Wattjes; Lynn & Jane Whitson (parents of Mark Whitson); Brooklyn Wiegel (great granddaughter of Linda Brewer).

SEMINARY STUDENT: Gunnar Campbell, Preus Hasselbrook

DEACONESS STUDENT: Elizabeth (Fodor) Dobbelaire.

HOMEBOUND: Bernita Ashwill; Leona Czerwonka; Janet Pollock; Ruth Sims; Glen Stumeier; Irene Wattjes.

MILITARY: Carl Crawford; Josh Dyer; Jeremy Gordon; Jack Leonard; Jake Lindgren; Raymond Longtin; Blake Stokes; Scott Walter.


NEXT WEEK’S READINGS . . . Isaiah 55:10–13; 2 Cor 11:19–12:9; Luke 8:4–15.

ABOUT THIS WEEK’S READINGS . . . The people of Israel contended with the Lord in the wilderness (Ex. 17:1–7). They were dissatisfied with His provision. In the same way, the first laborers in the vineyard complained against the landowner for the wage he provided them (Matt. 20:1–16). They charged him with being unfair, but in reality he was being generous. For the Lord does not wish to deal with us on the basis of what we deserve but on the basis of His abounding grace in Christ. The first—those who rely on their own merits—will be last. “For they were overthrown in the wilderness” (1 Cor. 10:5). But the last, those who rely on Christ, will be first. For Christ is the Rock (1 Cor. 9:24–10:5). He is the One who was struck and from whose side blood and water flowed that we may be cleansed of our sin.

THOUGHTS ABOUT STEWARDSHIP . . . 1 Corinthians 9:25 “Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable.” Self control is a fruit of the Spirit – for the desires of the flesh are at war with the desires of the Spirit. Having received the new life in Christ by his grace, he now calls us to follow him deliberately, with self-control, with intention.

THE ALTAR FLOWERS . . . were given by Matthew & Terra Waldrop to the glory of God on the occasion of Trey’s birthday.

ATTENTION ALL LADIES . . . We are bringing the Altar Guild back!  During COVID, Pastor and Lauren Braaten and the younger ladies of our congregation (Annabelle Cash, Willa Braaten, and Ava Whitson) assumed the role of communion ware clean up and altar cloth care—and for that we thank them. If you would like to assist them with this role, please sign up for monthly commitments on the sign-up sheet at the back of church. Like Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome (Mark 16:1), who came to the tomb upon Jesus’ death to take care His body, as members of the Altar Guild, we participate in caring for Jesus’ body and blood post communion. Thank you for your willingness to serve. We will be scheduling a refresher for those interested in what is involved with caring for the linens and communion ware in March.

DID YOU KNOW . . .  January is Sanctity of Life month? In an effort to support the good and necessary work of the pro-life pregnancy resource centers near us, the Board of Mission and Evangelism would like to encourage you to donate items from the following list during the next four weeks. Please place them in the pack-n-play at the back of the church and see if we can fill it up. Let us be a blessing to those mothers in need who courageously chose life. Thank you!

ITEMS IN NEED — NEW: diapers (all sizes up to 6), baby wipes, formula (all kinds), hooded towels, wash cloths, diaper rash cream, baby blankets, bottles, pacifiers, burp cloths, bibs, small toys, hygiene kits for baby.
GENTLY USED: maternity clothes, baby clothes, pajamas, jackets, onesies, baby equipment (strollers, high chairs, pack and plays, bouncy seats).

BI-MONTHLY MISSION . . . is today, February 5, and will be going to the Tuscola Area Ministerial Alliance (TAMA). For your convenience, an envelope designated for TAMA has been placed in your church mailbox. You may place cash or check payable to Immanuel in this envelope. Use the envelope to return your gift in the offering, or you may return it to the church office on or before February 5. Thank you!

SERVICES ONLINE . . . This video option will continue to be made available until our usual service times resume. You can access these online services in three places:

  1. On Immanuel’s Facebook page
  2. On Immanuel’s Website under the Sermons tab
  3. On Immanuel’s YouTube channel




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