Sunday (2/21)
- 9:00 am—Divine Service with Holy Communion
- 10:30 am—Bible Class & Sunday School
- 11:30 am—Catechism Class
- 3:00 pm—Albert Dallas Birthday Open House
- 7:00 pm—Men’s Bible Study (Josh Whitson’s home)
- 7:30 am—Matins
- 9:00 am—Classical Conversations Home School Coop
- 7:00 pm—LWML
- 10:00 am—Looking Forward to Sunday Bible Study
- 5:30 pm—Lenten Soup & Sandwich Supper
- 7:00 pm—Ash Wednesday Divine Service
- 9:00 am—Sunday School Teachers Planning Meeting
- 5:30 pm—Divine Service with Holy Communion
Sunday (2/28)
- 9:00 am—Divine Service with Holy Communion
- 10:30 am—Bible Class & Sunday School
- 11:30 am—Catechism Class
- 2:30 pm—Nursing Home Service
- 7:00 pm—Youth Group Event
HEALTH CONCERNS: Mia Anderson (great-granddaughter of Joan Vukelich); Ava Binion (schoolmate of Regann Bowles); Brenda Bunting (friend of Ann Carroll); Ellie Crawford (daughter of Laran Crawford); DeDe Eversole; Virginia Goble (friend of Joyce Alexander); Jim Harbaugh; Kim Hausman (friend of Ann Carroll); Patti Heath (friend of the Hoels); Joel Hilgendorf; Dennis Lee (nephew of Dolores Ford); Scott McCumber (friend of the Russos) Laurie McMillen; Tiffany Meyer (friend of Rachel DeWitt); Sandra Oehmke (sister of Joan Vukelich); Rev. Lynn Podoll; Fred Rahn (son of Joan Rahn); Sara Urban (wife of Ron Urban); Bob Vukelich (husband of Joan Vukelich); Harold Wattjes.
HOMEBOUND: Bernita Ashwill; Bessie Benson; Dolores Byers; Marylin Joergens; Joan Mulligan; Corinne Oye; Janet Pollock; Art Rahn; Ruth Rentschler.
MILITARY: John Bookas; Jeremy Gordon; Jack Leonard; Sam Leonard; Jake Lindgren; Raymond Longtin; Joey Pollock; Chase Reifsteck; Blake Stokes; Paige Stokes; Ruben Wilson.
NEXT WEEK’S READINGS . . . Exodus 8:16–21; Ephesians 5:1–9; Luke 11:14–28.
ABOUT THIS WEEK’S READINGS . . . Jacob wrestled with God; he would not let Him go until he received a blessing from Him (Gen. 32:22–32). So it was with the Canaanite woman. Though Jesus seemed to ignore and reject her, she continued to call upon His name and look to Him for help (Matt. 15:21–28). Even when the Lord called her a little dog, she held on to Him in faith and would not let Him wriggle out of His words: “Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table.” This Gentile woman shows herself to be a true Israelite, who struggles with God and man in Christ and prevails. “O woman, great is your faith! Be it done for you as you desire” (Matt. 15:27–28). This is the sanctifying will of God (1 Thess. 4:1–7)—to test your faith in order that it may be refined and strengthened. For tribulation produces perseverance; perseverance, character; character, hope. And hope in Christ does not disappoint (Rom. 5:1–5).
THOUGHTS ABOUT STEWARDSHIP . . . Matthew 15:27-28 She said, “Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table.” Then Jesus answered her, “O woman, great is your faith!” Faith says “Yes” to all that the Lord gives us. The Canaanite woman trusted Jesus and so she knew there was a blessing for her in everything the Lord says—even when His words seemed difficult or harsh. We all need a faith like that!
REMINDER: MEN’S BIBLE STUDY. . . Today at 7:00 pm, at Josh Whitson’s home (835 N CR 1500 E, Tuscola). We meet monthly to talk about the Bible, Lutheran Theology, our vocations as husbands, fathers, sons, and workers, over good food and barley sodas. Bring your own favorite beverage and an appetizer to pass, plus your Bible.
LOOKING FORWARD TO SUNDAY BIBLE STUDY . . . On Wednesdays at 10:00 am Pastor offers a weekly Bible Study looking at all the Propers (Introit, Gradual, Collect of the Day, and the Readings) for the coming Sunday. This will go into more depth on the things that don’t make it into the sermon. So if you’ve ever read or heard something in church from one of these readings and wondered more about it, this will be another opportunity, besides Sunday morning Bible Class, to explore it further.
HELP US CELEBRATE . . . Alberta Dallas’ 95th birthday! Join us at Immanuel Lutheran Church on Sunday, February 21st, from 3:00 – 5:00 pm for cake and conversation. No gifts please—your presence will be a wonderful gift. Hosted by her 5 generations of family—all 39 of us!
BETA SIGMA PSI . . . is a national Lutheran fraternity whose mission is to provide the ideal environment for the Lutheran college man to grow spiritually, scholastically, and socially. Representatives from the University of Illinois chapter will attend our Bible Class on February 28 to briefly explain who they are and what they do. Plan to attend and learn more about Beta Sigma Psi.
FREE BINGO . . . at the Tuscola Senior Building, Thursday, February 25, after a menu of Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes with Gravy, Tomatoes & Zucchini, Whole Wheat Bread, and Apricots, at 11:30 a.m. The meal is for people over 60 for a donation of $3.50. Reservations must be made by noon of Wednesday, February, 24. Telephone: 253-2278.
LENTEN MIDWEEK SOUP & SANDWICH SUPPER . . . We will be having our Lenten Midweek suppers before the Midweek Services this year, 5:30 pm–6:45 pm. The serving schedule is as follows:
- Wed, Feb 10—Board of Mission & Evangelism
- Wed, Feb 17—Board of Education
- Wed, Feb 24—Men’s Club
- Wed, Mar 2—LWML
- Wed, Mar 9—Board of Elders & Board of Trustees
- Wed, Mar 16—Board of Stewardship
- Donna Campbell (West)
- Harold Wattjes (East)
- Jim Dyer (West)
- Joan Vukelich (East)
- Mark Whitson
- Donna Campbell; Mackenzi Bowles
- Mark Whitson
- Donna Campbell; Marissa Russo
- Caleb Stumeier (Crucifer)
- Ethan Stumeier (Torches)
- Coulson Poffenberger (Torches)
- Oliver Braaten (Gospel)
- Ethan Stumeier (Crucifer)
- Caleb Stumeier (Torches)
- Josh Dyer (Torches)
- Oliver Braaten (Gospel)
- Craig & Carol Munson—February
- Janet Stumeier—March