God is with His Church in Tuscola, Illinois, through Word and Sacrament

Immanuel News & Notes (Epiphany 3)

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Sunday (1/23)

  • 7:30 am—Divine Service of the Word (On-Line Video)
  • 9:00 am—Divine Service with Holy Communion
  • 10:30 am—Bible Class & Sunday School
  • 12:30 pm—Catechism Class


  • 9:00 am—Sunday School Teachers’ Meeting
  • 3:30 pm—Individual Confession & Absolution
  • 5:30 pm—Divine Service with Holy Communion

Sunday (1/30)

  • 7:30 am—Divine Service of the Word (On-Line Video)
  • 9:00 am—Divine Service with Holy Communion
  • 10:30 am—Bible Class & Sunday School
  • 12:30 pm—Catechism Class
  • 6:00 pm—Youth Group Event


HEALTH CONCERNS: Jerry & Joyce Alexander; Bernita Ashwill; Rev. Paul Brink (cousin of Ann Carroll); Connie Bruns (cousin of Mary Appleby); Lynn Corrie (friend of Arleigh Jones); Ellie Crawford (daughter of Laran Crawford); Lisa Hall (sister of Holly Wikoff); Rick Hardesty (family of the Hoels); Kim Hausman (friend of Ann Carroll); Deanna Henningsen (sister-in-law of Jerry & Joyce Alexander); Reuben Hostetler; Becky Kappes; Mary Miller (friend of David Holzrichter); Dennis Pickett (friend of Ann Carroll); Joan Rahn; Emma Silver; Ocil Slone (grandfather of Josh & Jake Dyer); Carolyn Stremming (sister-in-law of Arleigh Jones); Dylan Taylor (friend of Becky Kappes), Doris Threet (sister of Wanda Long); Irene Wattjes; Lynn & Jane Whitson (parents of Mark Whitson); Brett Willoughby (friend of Matthew Waldrop); Dennis Wiltzius (father of Michelle Stumeier).

SEMINARY STUDENT: Gunnar Campbell, Preus Hasselbrook


MISSIONARIES: The Jastram Family; The McDermott Family, Julie Lutz

HOMEBOUND: Bernita Ashwill; Leona Czerwonka; Janet Pollock; Ruth Sims; Glen Stumeier; Irene Wattjes.

MILITARY: Carl Crawford; Josh Dyer; Jeremy Gordon; Jack Leonard; Jake Lindgren; Raymond Longtin; Joey Pollock; Blake Stokes; Scott Walter.


NEXT WEEK’S READINGS . . . Ex 34:29–35; Peter 1:16–21; Matthew 17:1–9.

ABOUT THIS WEEK’S READINGS . . . The Gospel of Christ is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Gentile (Rom. 1:8–17). Even in the Old Testament, the Gentiles were beneficiaries of God’s saving power. Though unimpressed at first with the Word of God, a Syrian commander is persuaded to receive that Word, and in the water he is cleansed and brought to faith in the God of Israel (2 Kings 5:1–15a). Evil is overcome by good (Rom 12:16–21). So also in the New Testament, a Roman centurion demonstrates great and humble faith in the Lord (Matt. 8:1–13). All he needs is the Word of Christ, for he trusts that Jesus’ Word of healing has authority to accomplish what it says. And indeed it does. The centurion’s faith is praised by our Lord above that of any Israelite. For the last shall be first, and the first last. Apart from faith in Christ, there is no salvation—not even for a Jew—but only weeping and gnashing of teeth.

THOUGHTS ABOUT STEWARDSHIP . . . Matthew 8:8 But the centurion replied, “Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof, but only say the word, and my servant will be healed.” The Word of the Lord is powerful and effective. What God says, goes. “Let there be light.” And there was light. His Word is still effective and creative for us: “This is my Body given for you.” “Your sins are forgiven.” This is why it is no burden for us to live according to the Word of God: we know that His Word is always bent on our blessing.

THE ALTAR FLOWERS . . . given by Glen and Janet Stumeier to the glory of God for blessings received.

PASTOR WILL BE AWAY . . . attending an LCEF meeting Wednesday, January 26–Friday, January 28. In case of emergencies, you may call him on his mobile phone, or you may contact one of the Elders:

BI-MONTHLY MISSION . . . is Sunday, February 6, and will be going to the Tuscola Area Ministerial Alliance (TAMA). For your convenience, an envelope designated for TAMA has been placed in your church mailbox. You may place cash or check payable to Immanuel in this envelope. Use the envelope to return your gift in the offering on February 6, or you may return it to the church office on or before February 6. Thank you!

YOUTH GROUP EVENT . . . will meet next Sunday, January 30, 6:00 pm –7:30 pm. This month’s event will include a short study and some games. Snacks will be provided.

THE FEBRUARY CALENDAR . . . with birthdays and anniversaries is available on the table across from members’ mailboxes.

THE FINANCIAL REVIEW COMMITTEE . . . is requesting the deposit ledgers and bank statements of all groups associated with Immanuel so that they may be reviewed as mandated by the church constitution. They may be set in the church office.

IMMANUEL’S 125TH ANNIVERSARY COOKBOOK . . . The Board of Mission and Evangelism have prepared a cookbook for Immanuel’s 125th anniversary, which is next July. The cookbooks will be available in early December and cost $15.00. You may pr-order using the order form.

SERVICES ONLINE . . . A copy of the service bulletin, which includes all the responses and the hymns, is available at Immanuel’s website under the Sermons tab by clicking on the button labeled PDF. This video option will continue to be made available until our usual service times resume. You can access these online services in three places:

  1. On Immanuel’s Facebook page
  2. On Immanuel’s Website under the Sermons tab
  3. On Immanuel’s YouTube channel




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