God is with His Church in Tuscola, Illinois, through Word and Sacrament

Immanuel News & Notes (Epiphany 2)



Sunday (1/19)

  • 9:00 am—Divine Service with Holy Communion
  • 10:30 am—Bible Class & Sunday School
  • 11:30 am—Voters’ Assembly Meeting


  • 7:30 am—Matins


  • 7:30 am—Matins


  • 7:30 am—Matins
  • 7:00 pm—Bible History Class


  • 7:30 am—Matins


  • 9:00 am—Sunday School Teacher Lesson Planning
  • 3:30 pm—Individual Confession & Absolution
  • 5:30 pm—Divine Service with Holy Communion

Sunday (1/26)

  • 9:00 am—Divine Service with Holy Communion
  • 10:30 am—Bible Class & Sunday School
  • 2:30 pm—Nursing Home Service
  • 6:00 pm—Senior Youth Group Event


HEALTH CONCERNS: Joyce & Jerry Alexander; Claire Baud (friend of Rachel DeWitt); Connie Bruns (cousin of Mary Appleby); Brad Butler (friend of Hilgendorfs); Chelle Carson (friend of Dave Holzrichter); Rena Carson (friend of Dave Holzrichter); Darla Combs (friend of Dave Holzrichter); Darren Cooper (friend of Joan Vukelich); Crystal Davis (friend of Dave Slaughter); Ben, LaNéce, & Baby Dyer (family of Greg & Celeste Nau); Tim Flynn (friend of Dave Holzrichter); Nash Foreman (friend of Sofie Reifsteck); Rick Hardesty (family of the Hoels); Kim Hausman (friend of Ann Carroll); Nyle Hoke; Julie Holzrichter (sister-in-law of Dave Holzrichter); Mary Houvanagle (friend of Hilgendorfs); Ashley Kerns (friend of Joan Vukelich); John Lamkin (friend of Dave Slaughter); Mike Marana (friend of Josh Whitson); Lisa McGill (friend of Dave Holzrichter); Steven Pingolt (friend of Mathew Waldrop); Rebecca (friend of Celeste Nau); Emma Silver; John Stewart (grandson of Laura VanCleave); Janet Stumeier; Kim Travis (friend of Jaimee Whitson); Lausanne Walter (mother of Tiffany Cash); Lynn Whitson (father of Mark Whitson).

SEMINARY STUDENT: Jacob Garrison; Nicholas Sinatra.

HOMEBOUND:Bernita Ashwill; Janet Pollock; Joan Rahn; Ruth Sims.

MILITARY: Carl Crawford; Josh Dyer; Jeremy Gordon; Jack Leonard; Jake Lindgren; Raymond Longtin; Blake Stokes; Scott Walter.


NEXT WEEK’S READINGS . . . Exodus 34:29–35; 2 Peter 1:16–21; Matthew 17:1–9.

ABOUT THIS WEEK’S READINGS . . . The coming of the Messianic kingdom means the restoration of creation. The sign of this restoration is that “the mountains shall drip sweet wine” (Amos 9:11–15). When the elements of a fallen creation fail and run short at a wedding feast, our Lord Jesus steps in to restore creation and miraculously changes water into an abundance of the very best wine (John 2:1–11). With this sign, Christ manifests His glory. The “back” of God (Ex. 33:12–23) is revealed to those who believe. The hour will come when Jesus will again manifest His glory by taking creation’s curse into His own body to release us from its power. The Bridegroom will give His life for the Bride (Eph. 5:22–32), and from His side will flow water and blood, the holy sacraments by which she is cleansed and made one with Him. Through this sacrificial love of Christ we are enabled to “love one another with brotherly affection . . .” and to “outdo one another in showing honor” (Rom. 12:6–16).

THOUGHTS ABOUT STEWARDSHIP . . . John 2:5 His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” What must Mary have thought when Jesus replied, “What does this have to do with Me?” But she knew this: whatever her Son said to do would be a blessing, so she knows what advice to give to the servants: Do whatever He tells you! That’s still good advice for us in every aspect of our lives – including in our generosity toward the Lord’s work in the Church.

PASTOR’S OFFICE HOURS & CONTACT INFO . . . Pastor Braaten will be in his office Monday–Wednesday, 9:00 am–12:00 noon, unless stated otherwise. You may contact him for other appointments and visits by phone (O) 217.253.4341, (H) 217.253.4539, or (M) 217.460.2077, or by e-mail pastor.braaten@gmail.com.

ALTAR GUILD. . . There are still opportunities to serve and carry out the Lord’s mission among us. Please sign up for a month to serve on the Altar Guild. Members care for our Lord’s body and blood just as the woman who went to be tomb sought to care for the body of Jesus. There are spots for both Senior and Junior members to sign up.

THE FINANCIAL REVIEW COMMITTEE . . . is requesting the deposit ledgers and bank statements of all groups associated with Immanuel so that they may be reviewed as mandated by the church constitution. They may be set in the church office.

POINSETTIAS . . . If you did not get your poinsettia after the Christmas Day Divine Service, you will find it in the kitchen on the counter.

REMINDER: VOTERS’ ASSEMBLY MEETING . . . is Today, January 19, at 11:30 am. Just a reminder that any voting member who is absent from the voters’ meetings for a full year without a valid excuse shall have his/her name removed from the roster of voting members. Those who are 65 and older can submit a written request to have their name placed on the senior voting member list and will be automatically excused. If any senior member is unsure whether or not there is a written request on file, please contact the office. If any member has been removed from the roster of voting members, he/she can be reinstated by a request to the elders and attendance at the voters’ meeting approving that request.

ALTAR GUILD & COFFEE COMMITTEE . . . For January the Altar Guild is Lauren & Willa Braaten. Coffee Committee is Donna Campbell.

THE 2025 FLOWER CHART IS NOW AVAILABLE . . . Please sign up on the bulletin board across from member mailboxes. 2025 flowers are $35.00 and can be special ordered. Flowers can be taken home after the Sunday’s service.

ALTAR GUILD . . . Please sign up for a month to serve on the Altar Guild, caring for our Lord’s body & blood just as the woman who went to be tomb sought to care for the body of Jesus. There are spots for both Senior and Junior members to sign up.

FUNERAL CHAIR . . . Please sign up for a month to serve as funeral chair; the chair is responsible for placing calls requesting food donations and volunteers to help with serving and cleaning up after the funeral dinner. The current call list is included with the chair sign-up list on the clipboard located in the Narthex.

2025 OFFERING ENVELOPES . . . are here and may be picked up in the Fellowship Hall.

JUNIOR YOUTH GROUP EVENT . . . for 4th–6th graders is Sunday, February 2. For our first time together, we will be going bowling. Keep watch on the bulletin for more details.

JANUARY YOUTH GROUP EVENT . . . is Sunday, January 26. This is for our 7th–12th grade youth. Keep watch on the bulletin for more details.

A UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY . . . is available for members of Immanuel. Pastor, in consultation with the Mission Board and the Elders, has submitted paperwork requesting a summer vicar here at Immanuel. We are looking for housing options for him. If you have a spare room or a basement the church can rent for him to stay for roughly three months, or you know of housing options locally, please contact Pastor or one of the members of the Elders or Mission Board. Thank you!




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