God is with His Church in Tuscola, Illinois, through Word and Sacrament

Immanuel News & Notes (Easter)

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Sunday (4/17)

  • 6:00 am—Easter Sunrise Divine Service with Holy Communion
  • 7:00 am—Easter Breakfast
  • 7:30 am—Divine Service of the Word (On-Line Video)
  • 9:00 am—Divine Service with Holy Communion
  • 10:30 am—Sunday School Easter Egg Hunt


  • 7:30pm—Voters’ Assembly Meeting


  • 3:30 pm—Individual Confession & Absolution
  • 5:30 pm—Divine Service with Holy Communion

Sunday (4/24)

  • 7:30 am—Divine Service of the Word (On-Line Video)
  • 9:00 am—Divine Service with Holy Communion
  • 10:30 am—Sunday School & Bible Class
  • 6:00 pm—Youth Group Event


HEALTH CONCERNS: Bernita Ashwill; Jerry & Amanda Bergman (nephew of Irene Wattjes);  Connie Bruns (cousin of Mary Appleby); Lynn Corrie (friend of Arleigh Jones); Ellie Crawford (daughter of Laran Crawford); Lisa Hall (sister of Holly Wikoff); Rick Hardesty (family of the Hoels); Kim Hausman (friend of Ann Carroll); Deanna Henningsen (sister-in-law of Jerry & Joyce Alexander); Abby Herzberg (daughter of Pastor Herzberg); Reuben Hostetler; Becky Kappes; Barb McElroy (friend of Sue Rothe); Kurt McDaniel (friend of Joan Vukelich); Mary Miller (friend of David Holzrichter); Joan Rahn; Emma Silver; Ocil Slone (grandfather of Josh & Jake Dyer); Carolyn Stremming (sister-in-law of Arleigh Jones); Dylan Taylor (friend of Becky Kappes), Doris Threet (sister of Wanda Long); Irene Wattjes; Darrell Wattjes (son of Irene Wattjes); Lynn & Jane Whitson (parents of Mark Whitson); Brett Willoughby (friend of Matthew Waldrop).

DEATHS: Family of Dennis Wiltzius (father of Michelle Stumeier)

SEMINARY STUDENT: Gunnar Campbell, Preus Hasselbrook


MISSIONARIES: The Jastram Family; The McDermott Family, Julie Lutz

HOMEBOUND: Bernita Ashwill; Leona Czerwonka; Janet Pollock; Ruth Sims; Glen Stumeier; Irene Wattjes.

MILITARY: Carl Crawford; Josh Dyer; Jeremy Gordon; Jack Leonard; Jake Lindgren; Raymond Longtin; Joey Pollock; Blake Stokes; Scott Walter.


NEXT WEEK’S READINGS . . . Ezekiel 37:1–14; 1 John 5:4–10; John 20:19–31.

ABOUT THIS WEEK’S READINGS . . . “Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed” (1 Cor. 5:7). By the shed blood of Christ, the Lamb of God, eternal death has passed over us. Now we pass with Christ through death into life everlasting. For Christ the crucified One is risen! The stone has been rolled away from the tomb, revealing that the tomb could not hold Him (Mark 16:1–8). Now our Redeemer lives eternally to save us from sin and Satan and the grave, and we can live in the sure hope of our own bodily resurrection with Christ. “After my skin has been thus destroyed, yet in my flesh I shall see God” (Job 19:26). Feasting on the living Christ, who is our meat and drink indeed, we boldly say: “O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting? . . . But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Cor. 15:54–55, 57).

THOUGHTS ABOUT STEWARDSHIP . . . John 20:1 “Now on the first day of the week.” All is made new by the Resurrection of Jesus! Even the day of worship has transitioned from the Old Testament’s Saturday Sabbath to the Lord’s Day of the New Testament. For the Lord has made all things new: He has begun a new week for a new creation in rising from the dead as the New Adam. We are also made new in Him—a new heart, a new life, new desires, a new outlook toward God: all this comes from our Risen Lord’s grace.

THANK YOU . . . to everyone who purchased a lily to beautify the sanctuary this Easter. You may take them home after the 9:00 am service this morning.

RESURRECTION OF OUR LORD . . . “Who will roll away the stone for us?” (Mark 16:3). Does abortion solve surprise pregnancies or only add death to sin? Does assisted suicide settle incurable conditions or only pile guilt upon grief? Death offers no answers but only deepens despair with darkness. Christ is risen for just such situations! Jesus brings life and salvation, hope and joy, peace and purpose. His dying and rising rolls back the stone, revealing a forgiving Father and a gracious Savior in this with us! Lord Jesus Christ, work out Your resurrection within and among us. Amen.

BEGINNING SUNDAY, MAY 1 . . . Immanuel’s service bulletins will return to its normal layout, pre-pandemic. The ushers will also begin collecting the offering during service again.

PASTOR WILL BE AWAY . . . at a Lutheran Church Extension Fund Board of Directors meeting this week, Wednesday, April 20–Friday, April 22. In case of emergency, you may contact him on his mobile phone.

IMMANUEL’S 125TH ANNIVERSARY COOKBOOK . . . The Board of Mission and Evangelism have prepared a cookbook for Immanuel’s 125th anniversary, which is next July. The cookbooks will be available in early December and cost $15.00. You may pr-order using the order form.

SERVICES ONLINE . . . This video option will continue to be made available until our usual service times resume. You can access these online services in three places:

  1. On Immanuel’s Facebook page
  2. On Immanuel’s Website under the Sermons tab
  3. On Immanuel’s YouTube channel




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