God is with His Church in Tuscola, Illinois, through Word and Sacrament

Immanuel News & Notes (Easter 2)


Sunday (4/16)

  • 9:00 am—Divine Service with Holy Communion
  • 10:30 am—Bible Class & Sunday School
  • 11:30 am—Voters’ Assembly Meeting


  • 7:00 pm—Board of Elders


  • 7:00 pm—Bible History Class


  • 3:30 pm—Individual Confession & Absolution
  • 5:30 pm—Divine Service with Holy Communion

Sunday (4/23)

  • 9:00 am—Divine Service with Holy Communion
  • 10:30 am—Bible Class & Sunday School


HEALTH CONCERNS: Mary Appleby: Bernita Ashwill; Connie Bruns (cousin of Mary Appleby); Jack Bubb (classmate of Sofia Reifsteck); Brad  Butler (friend of the Hilgendorfs); Connie Coats; Lynn Corrie (friend of Arleigh Jones); Nash Foreman (friend of Sofie Reifsteck); Lisa Hall (sister of Holly Wikoff); Rick Hardesty (family of the Hoels); Kim Hausman (friend of Ann Carroll); Adriane & Baby Heins (sister of Lauren Braaten); Deanna Henningsen (sister-in-law of Jerry & Joyce Alexander); Glenda Klim (sister-in-law of Irene Wattjes); John Lamkin (friend of Dave Slaughter); Kurt McDaniel (friend of Joan Vukelich); Joan Rahn; Sofie Reifsteck: Emma Silver; Carl  Smith (husband of Lynette Ashwill-Smith); Irene Wattjes; Lynn & Jane Whitson (parents of Mark Whitson); Brooklyn Wiegel (great granddaughter of Linda Brewer).

DEATHS:  Family of Donald Hoops (grandfather of Lauren Braaten).

SEMINARY STUDENT: Gunnar Campbell, Preus Hasselbrook

DEACONESS STUDENT: Elizabeth (Fodor) Dobbelaire.

HOMEBOUND: Bernita Ashwill; Leona Czerwonka; Janet Pollock; Ruth Sims; Glen Stumeier; Irene Wattjes.

MILITARY: Carl Crawford; Josh Dyer; Jeremy Gordon; Jack Leonard; Jake Lindgren; Raymond Longtin; Blake Stokes; Scott Walter.


NEXT WEEK’S READINGS . . . Ezekiel 34:11–16; 1 Peter 2:21–25; John 10:11–16.

ABOUT THIS WEEK’S READINGS . . . “For there are three that testify: the Spirit and the water and the blood” (1 John 5:7). These three point to Christ and flow from Christ. Jesus shows His disciples His hands and side, from which blood and water flowed, saying “Peace be with you.” He presents the wounds which turn our fear to gladness and which restore us to the Father. Jesus breathes on His disciples and says, “Receive the Holy Spirit” (John 20:23). His breath, His words are Spirit and life. They raise up our dry, dead bones and give us new and everlasting life (Ezek. 37:1–14). Christ now gives His ministers to speak His forgiving, Spirit-filled words to the penitent in His stead. Our Lord continues to come to His people, presenting His wounds to us in the Sacraments of water and blood. He bids us to touch His side at His table, to receive His risen body and blood in true faith, that believing we may have life in His name.

THOUGHTS ABOUT STEWARDSHIP . . . John 20:19 “Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, ‘Peace be with you.’” The peace we have in Jesus is what makes a life of good works possible. Since we know that it is Jesus who saved us, and not our works, we are now free to do good works not out of self-interest, but for the right reasons: out of thanksgiving toward God and love for our neighbors.

THE FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR . . . are given by Mike and Tina Russo to the glory of God in celebration of Caiden’s birthday.

CANDIDATE CALL SERVICE 2023 . . . Gunnar Campbell will be receiving his placement into the Office of the Holy Ministry on Tuesday, April 25. You may attend the service Tuesday, April 25, at 7 p.m. in Kramer Chapel for the annual Candidate Call Service, and learn where concluding students will be serving their first calls. Guest preacher Rev. Dr. Allan Buss of the LCMS Northern Illinois District will be giving the sermon. The live streamed service will be accessible through CTSFW’s Call Day webpage (available soon, check at www.ctsfw.edu), the Chapel page, and the seminary’s Facebook page. A complete list of calls, along with photos of our candidates, will be available on the Call Day page shortly after the conclusion of the service.

THANK YOU . . . to everyone who purchased a lily to beautify the sanctuary during Easter. If you would like your Easter lily, you can find it in the kitchen.

THANK YOU . . . to all who helped with the Easter Breakfast by bringing food, helping serve, and cleaning up afterwards. The wonderful food and the decorated fellowship hall helped to glorify this most celebrated Christian day! We had a great turnout. A total of $132.00 was raised for the Youth Group’s trip to Higher Things in 2024. Thank you for your generosity!

APPLICATIONS FOR THE ILC COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP . . . sponsored by the Board of Missions and Evangelism are now being accepted. The deadline is May 1, 2023. Applications are available on the church Web site: immanueltuscola.org.

PASTOR BRAATEN . . . will be out of town, April 25—April 29 and May 1—May 3. If you need assistance, you may contact him on his mobile phone or call one of the Elders (Steve Hilgendorf, Tim Hoel, Bryce Reifsteck, Les Sluder).

CONTRIBUTIONS & ATTENDANCE . . . Total YTD offerings $51,825.74, YTD expenses $51,269.36. Average weekend attendance for March, 51.




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