God is with His Church in Tuscola, Illinois, through Word and Sacrament

Immanuel News & Notes (Advent 4)

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Sunday (12/24)

  • 9:00 am—Divine Service with Holy Communion
  • 2:30 pm—Nursing Home Service
  • 7:00 pm—Christmas Eve Divine Service

Monday—Thursday — No Matins

Tuesday — Immanuel Offices Closed


  • 3:30 pm—Individual Confession & Absolution
  • 5:30 pm—Divine Service with Holy Communion

Sunday (12/31)

  • 9:00 am—Divine Service with Holy Communion

Monday (1/1)—Immanuel Offices Closed (New Years Day)


HEALTH CONCERNS: Mia Anderson (great-granddaughter of Joan Vukelich); Bernita Ashwill; Mark Ashwill; Leonard Boerngen; Dale Brown (friend of Margaret Stilwell); Connie Hilgendorf Bruns (cousin of Mary Appleby); John Carico (brother of Greg Nau); Owen Clark (friend of Mark & Leigh Ann Whitson); Judy Cox (daughter of Ruth Sims); Ellie Crawford (daughter of Laran Crawford); Mike Ekstrom; Charles Gilbert (brother of Janice Arthur); Susan Hall (friend of Arleigh & Mary Jane Jones); Jim Harbaugh; Rick Hardesty (family of the Hoels); Kim Hausman (friend of Ann Carroll); Patti Heath (friend of the Hoels); Barbara Holste (friend of Arleigh and Mary Jane Jones); Michelle Karpen and 14 month-old son (friend of Guy & Margie Stevens); Rev. Ted Mitchell (pastor of Tuscola United Methodist Church); Bill & Mary Negangard (grandparents of Bryce Reifsteck); Ena Raaymakers (friend of Josh and Jaimee Whitson); Debbie Rahn (wife of Leroy Rahn); St. Paul, Sadorus; Carl Smith (husband of Lynnette Ashwill-Smith); Joy Stenger; Kevin Weaver (friend of Guy & Margie Stevens); Jill Zartler.



MISSIONARIES: Rev. Dr. Edward and Monica Naumann; Rev. Alan and Patricia Ludwig; Julie Lutz.

HOMEBOUND: Bernita Ashwill; Bessie Benson; Dolores Byers; Marylin Joergens; Joan Mulligan; Janet Pollock; Art Rahn; Ruth Rentschler.

MILITARY: John Bookas; Carl Crawford; Jeremy Gordon; Jack Leonard; Jake Lindgren; Raymond Longtin; Joey Pollock; Chase Reifsteck; Blake Stokes; Paige Stokes; Ruben Wilson.


NEXT WEEK’S READINGS . . . Isaiah 11:1–5; Galatians 4:1–7; St. Luke 2:33–40.

ABOUT THIS WEEK’S READINGS . . . The coming of God in all His unveiled power at Mount Sinai was terrifying to the people of Israel. The thundering voice of the Lord puts sinners in fear of death (Deut. 18:15–19). God, therefore, raised up a prophet like Moses—the Messiah, the Christ. God came to His people veiled in human flesh. The skies poured down the Righteous One from heaven; the earth opened her womb and brought forth Salvation (Introit) through the blessed Virgin Mary, the mother of the Lord (Luke 1:39–56). The fruit of her womb is the very Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, the One whose sandal strap John was not worthy to loose (John 1:19–28). In Jesus we are delivered from fear and anxiety. In Him alone we have the peace of God which surpasses all understanding (Phil. 4:4–7).

THOUGHTS ABOUT STEWARDSHIP . . . Philippians 4:6 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Paul puts two things in opposition to each other: anxiety and prayer. So trade your worries for prayers! You have a Father who loves you and desires to hear your prayers and bless you.

A BIG THANK YOU . . . to all who donated cookies, etc., to the LWML cookie walk and definitely to all who bought cookies! Because of all the support, we were able to make nearly $400 to put toward LWML projects and donations. If anyone has a suggestion for a charity to donate to, please contact Irene Wattjes, Theresa Fields, or Joyce Alexander, (or any LWML member), and we will bring your idea to our next meeting.

THANK YOU FROM . . . the Board of Missions & Evangelism for your generous support to Angel Tree this year. Together with funds from the Sohrt Fund, we were able to provide $650 to purchase clothing and toys for a family of four. The Board of Missions & Evangelism would also like to thank Tammy Kresin for her time and energy doing the shopping! Thank you for your generosity toward this family’s Christmas and this very worthwhile project within our community. As we know, with God all things are possible, and He has pressed your love toward neighbor into His service for their benefit.

THANK YOU FROM . . . the Board of Christian Education to all who participated in various ways in the Sunday School Christmas Program. The program was very well attended by family, friends, and members of our congregation. The Sunday School children were awesome in telling the story of the birth of Christ!

PASTOR WILL BE AWAY. . . December 26–29. If you need assistance you may contact him on his mobile phone or call one of the Elders (Jack Appleby, Kenny Kresin, Greg Nau, or Bryce Reifsteck).

NEW OFFICER INSTALLATION . . . will be Sunday, January 14, during the Divine Service immediately following the offering. If you are a newly-elected officer, please note this on your calendar.

CHRISTMAS CARDS FOR SEMINARY STUDENTS . . . If you’d like to send Christmas greetings to our seminary students, their addresses are:  Mr. Joshua Schiff, 5309-6 Stonehedge Blvd., Ft. Wayne, Indiana, 46835; Ms. Carolyn Walsh, 6600 N. Clinton St., Box 294, Ft. Wayne, Indiana, 46825.

YOU ARE INVITED . . . to the Camp CILCA Annual Banquet from 5:00–8:00 pm on January 28, 2018, at the fellowship hall of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Springfield. The evening includes musical entertainment, dinner, and guest presenter Rev. Dr. Joel Heck who will speak about the importance of Creation for Christian faith and life.  Tickets are $40 and can be purchased from the camp office at 217-415-2311 or camp@cilca.org.  Child care will also be available for $5.


  • Sunday, December 24, 7:00 pm—Christmas Eve Service with Communion
  • Monday, December 25, 9:00 am—Christmas Day Service with Communion
  • Tuesday, December 26— Immanuel Offices Closed

There will be no evening New Year’s Eve Service since New Year’s Eve falls on Sunday.



  • Laverl Byers (West)
  • Mark Whitson (East)


  • Tim & Teri Pollock (West)
  • Donna Campbell (East)



  • Jack Appleby
  • Donna Campbell; Marissa Russo


  • Jack Appleby
  • Donna Campbell; Lexie Russo



  • Josh Dyer (Crucifer)
  • Coulson Poffenberger (Torches)
  • Jake Dyer (Torches)
  • Caiden Russo (Gospel)


  • Coulson Poffenberger (Crucifer)
  • Josh Dyer (Torches)
  • Oliver Braaten (Torches)
  • Caiden Russo (Gospel)


  • Janet Stumeier—December
  • Josh & Jaimee Whitson—January


  • Sharon Allen & Scott Dallas—December
  • Joan Vukelich—January


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