God is with His Church in Tuscola, Illinois, through Word and Sacrament


Not Ashamed: Sharing the Good News in a Bad News World

Please join us for a one-day conference entitled Not Ashamed: Sharing the Good News in a Bad News World, held Saturday, August 26, 2023 at the Tuscola Community Building. Come hear Pastor Adam Koontz, an engaging speaker and well-known podcaster, speak on the topic of A Hope and a Home: Proclaiming the Everlasting Gospel to Today’s America. #NotAshamed2023

2017 VBS Registration Is Now Open

This year’s Vacation Bible School is set for Monday, June 5—Friday, June 9, 9:00 AM—11:00 AM. The theme is SEALED: IT’S STILL ALL ABOUT JESUS. Five hundred years have passed since Martin Luther began the Reformation. The truth is still the truth. Humanity’s situation hasn’t changed. Luther need answers, and he found them in God’s love. Luther taught everyone that God sent Jesus to forgive sins and to give eternal life. Where are you looking for answers?