God is with His Church in Tuscola, Illinois, through Word and Sacrament

The Last Sunday of the Church Year

The Last Sunday of the Church Year

  • Old Test: Isaiah 65:17-25
  • Epistle: 1 Thess. 5:1-11
  • Gospel: Matt. 25:1-13

“The day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night” (1 Thess 5:1-11). The arrival of the bridegroom will be sudden and unexpected. Therefore you are to be watchful and ready like the five wise virgins. “For you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming” (Matt 25:1-13). The lamps are the Word of Christ. The oil in the lamps is the Holy Spirit, who works through the Word to create and sustain the flame of faith in Christ. The foolish are those who do not give proper attention to the working of the Holy Spirit in baptism, preaching, and the supper, and so their faith does not endure. The wise, however, are those who diligently attend to these gifts of the Spirit, and who therefore have an abundance of oil. The flame of faith endures to the end. By God’s grace they are received into the eternal wedding feast of the Lamb in His kingdom, the new heavens and the new earth created by the Lord for the joy of His people (Is 65:17-25).


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