God is with His Church in Word and Sacrament

Letter to the Editor re: Queens in the Corn

What follows is a letter to the Editors of both local newspapers in Tuscola (The Tuscola Review and The Journal). It was written and signed by a number of local pastors who are troubled by the Queens in the Corn event hosted by the Tuscola High School Gay-Straight Alliance at the Tuscola Community Building on Saturday, June 18, 2022. It was submitted to be included in the papers released the week of June 12–18. Hopefully, these Editors will publish the letter.

Our Lord Jesus Christ especially blessed little children during His earthly ministry (Mark 10:13-16) and issued a vivid warning to those who would endanger the innocence of children (Matthew 18:5-6). Each child deserves the protection and care not only of his or her parents, but also of the community at large. It is simply wrong to expose children to sexually explicit themes. This fact is recognized in the Illinois law against obscenity, which makes special mention of obscenity aimed at children (720 ILCS 5/11-20 (c)).

Inviting drag queens to perform for an event billed as “appropriate for all ages” is intended to introduce children to sexually explicit themes. In the words of the Illinois statute, it is “prurient.” It is contrary to common sense, natural law, and all that is good and holy. Even a decade ago one would have struggled to find even a small minority in our community who would disagree with those statements. Now local events are using community space to do exactly this. Our community deserves better from their public servants.

We strive to make our churches places of refuge from a world gone mad. We preach the love of God to all who will repent of their wrong-doing and come with open arms to receive the Lords grace. There can be no repenting of wrong-doing without acknowledging that it exists. As ministers of Christ, it is our duty to say that this is wrong. We exhort all involved to repent of this wrong-doing. We encourage all Christians to beseech the Lord to give them repentance and faith.

Rev. Jason M. Braaten, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Tuscola, Illinois

Rev. Joseph Carter, First Church of the Nazarene, Tuscola, Illinois

Rev. David Dundas, Jesus Is The Way Prison Ministry, Tuscola, Illinois

Rev. Darin Elder, Eagle Mountain Assembly of God, Tuscola, Illinois

Pastor Allan Harris II, Faith Baptist Church, Tuscola, Illinois



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