God is with us in Word and Sacrament

Posts from February 6, 2024

Navigating the Sea of Information: Finding Certainty in an Uncertain World Through Christ

Discover the unchanging truth in a world of digital chaos. Immanuel Lutheran Church (LCMS) celebrates God’s love and forgiveness through Lent. Join them for powerful services and embrace the certainty of Christ’s unalterable message. Experience the wisdom and power of God in a changing world.
#Lent #Christianity #ImmanuelLutheranChurch#DigitalAgeFaith #UnchangingTruth #ChristianityToday #LentJourney #GodsWord #WisdomofGod #ChristCrucified #EasterHope #ImmanuelLutheran #FaithInChrist #LentServices #EasterCelebration #ChristianLife #BiblicalWisdom #EternalTruths