Let’s Get On the Same Page . . .
. . . of the Bible this summer. Here is the Same Page Summer Bible Reading Challenge (Click this link to download the plan: English-2022-Summer). It runs from June through August.
Imagine a great table, loaded with the best food, perfectly prepared. This is how we view the Word of God, and it is our joy and privilege to encourage Christians to find their seats and share the bounty of it with us. The reading plan is simply the menu, the challenge is to become Christians who live and breathe the Word of God.
In spite of the abundant availability of Scripture to us, many Christians struggle to develop a habit of reading – simply reading the Word. We have overcomplicated and under appreciated it. By making it only a matter of private reflection and introspection, we have forgotten the element of hospitality, and Christians have fallen out of the practices of inviting others to read with us.
Click this link to download the plan: English-2022-Summer