God is with His Church in Word and Sacrament

Lent 2 — Midweek

Lent 2 — Midweek

  • Philippians 1:18b—30

LENTEN MIDWEEK SERMON SERIES . . . will be going through the Book of Philippians. Each week will focus on one chapter from the book. Philippians overflows with joy and thanksgiving. Paul wrote to the church in Philippi to thank them for a gift. He reported the joyful news that Epaphroditus, who had brought their gift to Paul, had recovered from his illness and was returning to Philippi. Paul said that he had learned the secret of being content in any situation, and he told them about his situation in prison. He expressed joy that more people were hearing about Christ even if some were proclaiming the gospel with bad motives. Wanting the Christians in Philippi to be unified, he challenged them to be servants just as Jesus was when he “emptied himself” and became a man rather than clinging to the rights of his divine nature (2:1–11). Paul wrote this letter while in prison, probably in Rome about AD 60.


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