God is with us in Word and Sacrament

 . . . Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.”

—2 Timothy 4:2 (ESV)

The Twentieth Sunday after Trinity

The Lord is into weddings. He arranged the first one in Paradise and He performed His first miracle at one in Cana. He is into gatherings around food, into wine and laughter, and celebrations.
That His coming to earth, becoming a Man, should be likened to a wedding should be no surprise, nor should it be a surprise that this be celebrated with a feast.

The Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity

The Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity Luke 14:1–11 + IN NOMINE IESU + The man with dropsy stood as a living picture of the Pharisees because they had a similar disease. Dropsy is a disease that causes the retention of water in the extremities, the stomach, and around the heart. The similarity is found not in…

The Twelfth Sunday after Trinity

God’s Law is always good. His Word is always trustworthy. Sometimes, to our fallen reason, it seems contrary to what is good. We are like the friends of the healed man. We think, “What could be wrong with telling people about Jesus healing this deaf man?” When God’s Law seems contrary to what is good, we do best to repent and submit. When we don’t, when we insist on our way, we hurt ourselves and we hurt others. There are no victimless sins. That means white lies and choosing the lesser evil and whatever other things we use to cover up our sins, are dangerous and hurtful.

The Eleventh Sunday after Trinity

This parable was spoken to some who trusted in themselves, that they were righteous and despised others. Beware! We’ve heard this parable so many times we might be tempted to despise the pharisee, to think, “Oh, he is so arrogant and self-righteous. What a jerk!” Despise him and you’ve become him. Our Lord died also for him.

The Fourth Sunday in Lent

Nevertheless, our Lord looked down upon the disciples and those who followed Him. He looked down, not in disapproval but with compassion. He told them to sit down. And then He looked up. He took the bread and the fish, and looking up to heaven, He gave thanks and distributed it them all. He gave them bread and fish to eat. They ate their fill, and there was more to go around, filling twelve baskets full of what was leftover. He provided for them more than they needed.