God is with us in Word and Sacrament

 . . . Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.”

—2 Timothy 4:2 (ESV)

The Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Trinity

Ours is a faith built upon history, the historic fact of Christ crucified, the innocent and pure desolated as an abomination for the vile offenders and sinners who deserved what He endured. Let us gather around that reality like vultures around a corpse. Let it draw us like cream draws kittens. The cross is the source of our Life in Christ. Look the cross. Leave everything else behind. And don’t look back.

The Feast of All Saints

Who are these arrayed in white? They are those declared saints by God, all of them; kin and kith, children we never met, grandparents we barely remember, loved ones and yet to meet ones, all saints, and they wait for us. They are our people. This is their festival. It is our festival. For the “all” in All Saints means that we too, by grace, are in that number.

The Commemoration of the Reformation

And thus we celebrate today, that despite the anxiety we feel from our enemies—from the devil and the world—who attack us, and despite the feeling of hopelessness that comes from our enemy within, we, in fact, have every reason to hope. We have every reason to be confident. We have every reason to rejoice. For Jesus Christ, who was crucified for our transgressions, is raised for our justification.

The Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity

We’re called put off our old natures. The old nature is the old Adam. And put on the new nature by the renewing of our minds. The old Adam, your old nature has been put off in the putting on of the new. The new man, the new nature is the sanctified, redeemed child of God. Your new life, body and soul, is a life forgiven and restored. This is given in Baptism, when the death dies, and the Holy Spirit kicks the Devil out.

The Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity

Of course it is lawful to heal on the Sabbath. The Sabbath was never God’s day off. It was simply the day for men to rest: to rest and be refreshed by His Word and gifts. Our Sabbath never ends, for in Christ all days are the same, every sunrise is a reminder that death is dead and Jesus lives. The work is done. The healing complete. Jesus Christ is your health, your rest, your security, and your future. Soon the heaven’s will part and all creation will hear God say to you: “Friend, move up higher.”